(f) Ferial–V (III)

ST. MAUD. Queen. THIS princess was daughter of Theodoric, a powerful Saxon count. Her parents placed her very young in the monastery

Third Sunday of Lent–V (I)

ST. ZACHARY, Pope. ST. ZACHARY succeeded Gregory III., in 741, and was a man of singular meekness and goodness. He loved the

(f) Ferial–V (III)

STS. ABRAHAM and MARY. ABRAHAM was a rich nobleman of Edessa. At his parents’ desire he married, but escaped to a cell

(f/a) Ferial–V (III)

ST. WULFRAN, Archbishop. His father was an officer in the armies of King Dagobert, and the Saint spent some years in the

(f) Ferial–V (III)

STS. VICTORIAN AND OTHERS, Martyrs. HUNERIC, the Arian king of the Vandals in Africa, succeeded his father Genseric in 477. He behaved