Ferial–G (IV) – Sts. Vitus, Modestus & Crescentia, Martyrs–R (Comm.)
Vitus, born of an illustrious Sicilian family, was arrested with his tutor and his nurse. After many sufferings, they were martyred A.D.
Ferial–G (IV)
ST. JOHN FRANCIS REGIS was born in Languedoc, in 1597. From his tenderest years he showed evidences of uncommon sanctity by his
St. Gregory Barbarigo, Bishop, Confessor–W (III)
Gregorio Barbarigo (Gregory Barbarigo; 16 September 1625 - 18 June 1697) was an Italian cardinal, diplomat, and scholar.
St. Ephrem, Deacon, Confessor, Doctor–W (III) – Sts. Mark & Marcellian, Martyrs–R (Comm.)
Ephrem the Syrian (or Ephrem the Syriac; Syriac:(Latin: Ephraem Syrus; ca. 306 - 373) was a Syriac deacon and a prolific Syriac-language
THE FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART–W (I) – St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin–W (Comm.) – Sts. Gervase & Protase, Martyrs
The heart stands for love. The human heart of Jesus stands both for His human love and for the infinite love of
Our Lady on Saturdays–W (IV) – St. Silverius, Pope, Martyr–R (Comm.)
Pope Silverius was later recognized as a saint by popular acclamation, and is now the patron saint of the island of Ponza,
Third Sunday after Pentecost–G (II) – St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor
Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J. (Italian: Luigi Gonzaga; March 9, 1568 - June 21, 1591) was an Italian aristocrat who became a member of
St. Paulinus, Bishop, Confessor–W (III)
Saint Paulinus was an early Christian, who, along with a priest, deacon and soldier, -all of whose names were forgotten through time-
Vigil of St. John the Baptist–V (II)
The important feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist is preceded by a vigil. An angel announced to the saint's
THE birth of St. John was foretold by an angel of the Lord to his father, Zachary, who was offering incense in