Melissa Foley
Melissa Foley is the Executive Director of Resurrected Life, an esteemed apostolate dedicated to unleashing the transformative power of God’s love through healing prayer. She ardently pursues her mission as an international speaker, retreat leader, and inner healing facilitator. With an unwavering commitment spanning over two decades, Melissa tirelessly accompanies women, men, and teens in restoring their true identity in Christ and the Church.
Having been raised in the Evangelical Protestant tradition, Melissa experienced an instantaneous conversion when she entered a Catholic Church at a young age. She has undergone comprehensive training in six distinct healing prayer methods and recently received a certification in Exorcism and Liberation Prayer from Regina Apostolorum in Rome, marking a significant milestone in her professional journey.
Melissa’s influence extends to various media platforms, including EWTN television and radio appearances alongside esteemed individuals such as Chrystalina Evert, Bear Woznick, Johnnette Benkovic, and The Family Room. She is also a regular host and speaker for the Women’s and Healing Virtual Catholic Conferences.
Residing in Atlanta with her husband and three children, Melissa’s active mission of leading individuals to a profound awareness and experience of being loved is fervently supported by her family.

Jodi Marie Dauses
Jodi Dauses is a former television news anchor and print journalist turned mother and speaking ambassador for Jesus Christ. Growing up in a strong Evangelical family, God called Jodi into the Catholic Church almost seventeen years ago. For the past decade, she has ministered with a Catholic women’s Bible Study called Walking With Purpose on their Speaking and Blogging Team. Jodi loves sharing the story of God’s rescuing love with audiences around the country. Her popular blog, “The Irreplaceable Mother” encourages women to embrace their sacred calling. Jodi’s first book on motherhood was published this past Spring. She and her family live on a small farm in Maryland, on the Chesapeake Bay.

Rebecca Teti
Rebecca Ryskind Teti has been married to her husband, Dennis for more than 30 years and has four mostly-grown children. An experienced spiritual director and the co-founder of the popular local retreat center, Our Lady of Bethesda, she now works as the executive director of the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at Catholic University of America’s Busch School of Business. She co-hosts the Prosper podcast with Andreas Widmer where they discuss the wide variety of kinds of entrepreneurs and the importance, no matter your position or role, of thinking like an owner. They share their experiences trying to build a “challenge culture” within a company, and the role of calculated risk-taking in entrepreneurship. They conclude by discussing the role of providence and trust in the entrepreneurial journey.

Sr. Michaela Martinez
Sister Michaela Martinez, OP is a member of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Congregation of Nashville, TN. After growing up in west Texas, she entered the congregation and during her 18 years in the community has worked as an educator of both youth and adults in school and parish settings. For the past four years she has been teaching religion at Mount de Sales Academy. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Theology from the University of Notre Dame and Master of Arts in Thomistic Studies from the Dominican House of Studies.

Erin Moyer
Erin Moyer is a graduate of Messiah College and Millersville University. She holds a License in the State of Maryland as a Clinical Professional Counselor. Erin has over 20-years of experience working with individuals with Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders in various settings. She serves as the Director of a Behavioral Health Clinic for Catholic Charities in Baltimore City, serving primarily unhoused individuals with Co-Occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Erin joined the agency in large part because of their Vision Statement to “Cherish the Divine Within All” which she feels is the most important part of her personal and professional mission. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family in their Southwest Baltimore City neighborhood, running, cooking, reading and traveling.

Maria Gaviria
Breakout Session in English and en Espanol:
Maria Gaviria founded Catholic Daughter, a ministry dedicated to helping women caring for elderly parents navigate their responsibilities with grace, peace, and well-being. Leveraging her corporate leadership background, insights from the Catholic Church, and practical advice from healthcare professionals, Maria integrates her own experiences and those of others into a rich blend of knowledge to profoundly impact the lives of women caring for their parents.
Maria earned a Master of Theology after retiring from Procter & Gamble, deepening her connection to her faith. This experience has infused her endeavors with faith, creativity, and love. While Catholic Daughter aims to help daughters caring for their aging parents, the ministry’s resources and signature methodology are universally applicable, benefiting all caregivers – women and men.

María Victoria Casellas
Breakout Session en Espanol:
María Victoria Casellas nació en la caribeña isla de Puerto Rico. Es la mayor de 9 hermanos. Sus padres, católicos practicantes, les transmitieron desde pequeños a sus hijos, el amor hacia la Iglesia Católica. Su madre, Mary Elizabeth Bond, mujer conversa al catolicismo, con profundo amor mariano, reunía diariamente a la familia, para rezar el Santo Rosario. La base cristiana recibida, influyó en el posterior deseo de María, en tomar cursos de Biblia y Teología.
Durante sus años universitarios, estudiando un BA en Biología, en la Universidad de PR, Recinto de Rio Piedras, conoció un futuro químico y gran esposo. El vivía fervorosamente su fe, llegando luego a aceptar el llamado a la vocación diaconal. María y Diácono Luis, han sido bendecidos con 3 hijas y 6 nietos.
El “Taller de Animación Bíblica”, que han formado en la Parroquia Ascensión del Señor, del pueblo de Bayamón, ha sido de gran crecimiento personal y comunitario. María ha aceptado con gozo participar en el MCWC. Ella nos ayudará a profundizar en las Bienaventuranzas de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Su propósito es compartir este mensaje con sus hermanas en Maryland enfocando su charla en “La Gran Bienaventurada”. Dichosos los que escuchan la Palabra de Dios y la ponen en práctica” Lc 11, 27-28.