Ferial–G (IV)

ST. FRUMENTIUS, Bishop. ST. FRUMENTIUS was yet a child when his uncle, Meropins of Tyre, took him and his brother Edesius on

Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles–R (II)

The holy Apostles Simon, a Cananean, called Zelotes (the Zealot) and Jude Thaddeus, a brother of St. James the Less, a cousin

Ferial–G (IV)

ST. NARCISSUS was consecrated Bishop of Jerusalem about the year 180. He was already an old man, and God attested his merits

Ferial–G (IV)

ST. MARCELLUS, THE CENTURION, Martyr. THE birthday of the Emperor Maximian Herculeus, in the year 298, was celebrated with extraordinary feasting and

Our Lady on Saturdays–W (IV)

ST. QUINTIN was a Roman, descended from a senatorial family. Full of zeal for the kingdom of Jesus Christ, he left his


The setting aside of a particular day for praying not for certain named individuals but for whole classes of the departed or

Ferial–G (IV)

ST. MARTIN DE PORRES is the patron of Peru, racial harmony, hairdressers, barbers, and state schools. He is known for his spectacular