Ferial–W (IV)

ST. FULGENTIUS, Bishop. In spite of family troubles and delicate health, Fulgentius was appointed at an early age procurator of his province

First Friday – Ferial–W (IV)

ST. GENEVIEVE, Virgin. Genevieve was born at Nanterre, near Paris. St. Germanus, when passing through, specially noticed a little shepherdess, and predicted

Ferial–W (IV)

ST. LUCIAN, Martyr. St. Lucian was born at Samosata in Syria. Having lost his parents in his youth, he distributed all his

Ferial–W (IV)

ST. APOLLINARIS, THE APOLOGIST, Bishop. Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia, was one of the most illustrious prelates of the second

Ferial–W (IV)

SS. JULIAN and BASILISSA, Martyrs. St. Julian and St. Basilissa, though married, lived, by mutual consent, in perpetual chastity; they sanctified themselves

Ferial–W (IV)

ST. WILLIAM, Archbishop. William Berruyer, of the illustrious family of the ancient Counts of Nevers, was educated by Peter the Hermit, Archdeacon