(f/pa) Ember Saturday–V (II) – In USA & Canada: Sts. John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues, and Companions, Martyrs–R (Comm.) – Sts. Cyprian & Justina, Martyrs
Saturday, September 26, 2020
ST. JEAN DE BRÉBEUF (25 March 1593 – 16 March 1649) was a French Jesuit missionary who travelled to New France (Canada) in 1625. There he worked primarily with the Huron for the rest of his life, except for a few years in France from 1629 to 1633. He learned their language and culture, writing extensively about each to aid other missionaries. In 1649, Brébeuf and another missionary were captured when an Iroquois raid took over a Huron village (referred to in French as St. Louis). Together with Huron captives, the missionaries were ritually tortured and killed on 16 March 1649. Brébeuf was beatified in 1925 and among eight Jesuit missionaries canonized as saints in the Catholic Church in 1930. ST. ISAAC JOGUES, S.J. (January 10, 1607 – October 18, 1646) was a Jesuit priest, missionary and martyr who traveled and worked among the native populations in North America. He gave the original European name to Lake George, calling it Lac du Saint Sacrement, Lake of the Blessed Sacrament. In 1646, Jogues was martyred by the Mohawk at their village of Ossernenon, a site near present-day Auriesville, New York.