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Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary–W (II) – St. Mark I, Pope, Confessor–W (Comm.)
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
The feast of the Holy Rosary was instituted to honor Mary for the Christian victory over the Turks at Lepanto on October 7, 1571. Pope St. Pius V and all Christians had prayed the Rosary for victory. The Rosary is a powerful means of uniting families, communities, and nations in the Mystical Body of Christ. In reciting the Rosary we say, “pray for us sinners,” not “pray for me.” The prayers of the Rosary take us out of ourselves by adoring and thanking God, and particularly by meditating on the doctrinal truths of the 15 Mysteries. Moreover, as Pope Leo XIII wrote, .” . . the Rosary is by far the best prayer by which to plead before her (Mary) the cause of our separated brethren.”