Our Mission
The Maryland Catholic Women’s Conference (MCWC) is committed to give witness to our faith in Christ and His Holy Church, and to affirm our dignity as women and daughters of God. Our goal is to humbly seek the Lord the Light of the World (Jn. 8:12), to illuminate our lives, families, parishes, and the world through liturgy, education and formation, prayer, evangelization and service to those in need.
We are a volunteer organization made up of faithful Catholic women. We are daughters, wives, mothers, sisters and friends. We are focused on planning an annual event for Catholic women in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the state of Maryland and surrounding areas to come together in worship, faith and fellowship.
Our History

Conference founder, Jeanne Link
In 2007, Jeanne Link was in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel of her home parish, St. John’s Church in Westminster. She prayed, “Jesus, what do you need from me now?” The answer she received: an Archdiocesan-wide women’s conference with worship, prayer, inspiring speakers, and fellowship.
With the help of a dedicated team of committee chairs and volunteers, the first event was held in 2009 at St. John’s in Westminster. The two-day event was supported by the group’s advisor and spiritual director, Msgr. Art Valenzano. Friday evening included fellowship, a teaching Mass, a Catholic comedian and the rosary followed by adoration. Saturday featured Mass, 2 keynote speakers and 20 breakout sessions. Two hundred seventy-eight women attended from across Maryland and four nearby states.
After three years at St. John’s, the event moved to Mount St. Mary’s University, where it became a full weekend event beginning on Friday evening and concluding on Sunday afternoon. The weekend included time for fellowship and music, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and discussion in addition to the sessions with well-known Catholic speakers and Mass celebrated by the Archbishop.
After over 10 years of spearheading the planning and organization of this large event for the Catholic women of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Jeanne stepped down from leading to discover the next call God has for her. Catherine Liberatore and Stephanie Clancy attended the event in 2018 and were inspired by the gathering. After learning that Jeanne was ready to pass the torch, Catherine and Stephanie stepped up as co-chairs of the 2020 event.

Attendees at “Made for JOY!” pray over each other.
On October 24, 2020, almost 200 Catholic women from around the Archdiocese of Baltimore gathered at St. Joseph Catholic Church Fullerton for the “Made for JOY!” event. Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated Mass in the morning, followed by talks from Kelly Wahlquist, Jeanne Link, and Annie McHugh. Attendees participated in the Rosary before Mass, several priests were available to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the day ended with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Thanks to the event planning committee, in addition to Fr. Jesse Bolger, pastor of St. Joseph Fullerton, Fr. Francis Ouma, associate pastor, and many staff and volunteers from St. Joseph’s Fullerton, the Catholic Men’s Fellowship, and the community, it was a JOY-filled day of faith and fellowship.

2021 Conference co-chairs, Catherine Liberatore and Stephanie Clancy
On October 2, 2021, we gathered again at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Fullerton for the “Holy & Beloved” event. Attendees were filled with God’s love through listening to our keynote speakers Katie McGrady and Sister Mary Madeline Todd, O.P., S.T.D.. Our event started with a mass celebrated by Bishop Adam Parker, offering both reconciliation and adoration. We thank everyone involved in making this event a success.

2023 Conference co-chairs, Julie Butler and Ana Farias
Catherine and Stephanie took a year off for transitioning to new co-chairs, Julie and Ana. We are grateful to the Given Institute for stepping in to give the catholic women of Maryland a unique event in 2022 by helping us discover the gift that only you can give. Julie Butler and Ana Farias are honored to serve as co-chairs of the Maryland Catholic Women’s Conference and are deeply committed to creating a welcoming and uplifting experience for all attendees. The co-chairs are looking forward to helping women deepen their faith and strengthen their relationships with God and one another.
Learn More About Our Co-Chairs
Julie Butler, Co-Chair
Julie Butler is a wife and boy Mom x3! She is a parishioner of her hometown parish, St. John the Evangelist in Severna Park, and has volunteered with various ministries over the years including faith formation, middle school ministry, Greeter Ministry, and EMHC. Julie has also been actively involved in the Women’s Ministry and has served with zeal as an administrator, small group leader, and parish operational coordinator.
In addition to her work within the parish, Julie is also an active community leader. Julie has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University which served her well in her career as a teacher, technical trainer, and is an instructor at Annapolis School of Seamanship. In her (very few moments) of free time, you can find Julie hanging with her boys, cooking, sailing, and crafting.
Throughout her career and community involvement, Julie has developed a passion for event planning and coordination. She has organized large events for schools, her neighborhood, and Church, always bringing her eye for beauty and unique blend of creativity, organization, and attention to detail.
Ana Farias, Co-Chair
Ana Farias is the co-chair for the Maryland Catholic Women’s Conference. She is excited to bring her experience in program management, fundraising, and passion for her faith to help grow the MCWC as an organization.
Ana currently serves as the Director of Pilgrimages and Adoration for the Basilica of the Assumption – America’s first Cathedral and her home parish. She also serves as the president of the Board for Pregnancy Center North – a nonprofit, medical center providing free, life-affirming services for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Ana resides in Baltimore County with her husband Stephen and two children.