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(f) Ferial–V (III) – St. Benedict, Abbot–W (Comm.)
Saturday, March 21, 2020
SAINT BENEDICT, or BENNET, was a native of Norcia, formerly an episcopal see in Umbria, and was descended from a family of note, and born about the year 480. The name of his father was Eutropius, and that of his grandfather, Justinian. When he was fit for the higher studies, he was sent by his parents to Rome, and there placed in the public schools. He, who till that time knew not what vice was, and trembled at the shadow of sin, was not a little shocked at the licentiousness which he observed in the conduct of some of the Roman youth, with whom he was obliged to converse; and he had no sooner come into the world, but he resolved to bid an eternal farewell to it, and not to be entangled in its snares.